Home Instead partners with organisations that share an ambition to help older people live well at home.
that enhance our offering
We collaborate with organisations that help us in our aim to make relationship-led, personalised home care an achievable and desirable option for people when they age. We share our expertise within home care with other organisations, individuals, agencies, not-for-profit companies and charities, showing people the benefits of receiving home care, and making these valuable reciprocal partnerships. We are an ageing society and as we look to the future, we recognise the need to keep developing the social care sector and the people who experience it and work within it.

Digital Champions Programme
Working with Barclays Digital Eagles, our Digital Champions get access to resources and training that can help them build digital confidence within their teams to support older people.
The Care Workers' Charity

Parkinson's UK
Partnership with the University of York

Taking Care
Alzheimer's Society

Homecare Association
This is a company whose staff really do care on a personal level and who are client orientated, providing stimulative activities, conversation and going the extra mile to help client and family.
Eileen, Client
I am very happy with the support, care and kindness I receive from all the staff of Home Instead.
B.M, Client
Home Instead have an experienced caring team that far exceeds in quality anything we experienced from other agencies at this point of service.
Steve, Client
Home Instead have been looking after my father for a few years now, without them we would not be able to manage having him living in his own home. They are always bright and cheerful and Dad enjoys seeing them.
Bridget, Clients Family
Award-winning service you can trust